Sunday, June 30, 2019

Dandelion's anomaly.

Одуванчик - мутация или аномалия роста.

1. Видимая люминесценция. УФ 365 нм - вынуждающее. Фото 420-650 нм.
This photo of visible luminescence.

Used MTE 301 light - to induce luminescence.
The MTE 301 is filtered (with the Hoya 340 UV-pass filter), to cut off the 'blue edge' of the light.
Otherwise, the blue light of the MTE will fall into the sought-for zone of visible luminescence. 'Blue edge' needs to be cut off.

On the lens: ЖС4 - (Almost analog GG420, UV-block) + S8612 (IR-block).
Here I have to cut off the UV, and IR, and take a photo only the visible zone - luminescence.


2. Видимый свет (слева) - чистый ультрафиолет справа.
Left photo: visible light, Sun.
Right photo: UV light, Sun. For photo of pure UV only: 360Hoya+S8612, UV-pass filter stack, on the lens.
This filter stack cut off the visible and infrared part.


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